O say can you kneel . . .


I look at it this way.  Our Nation’s Flag and our National Anthem are sacred.

When you think of all those who gave their lives fighting for those symbols of freedom that we Americans cherish, revere and hold sacred, you have to feel eternally grateful . . . and proud!

Watching our star-spangled banner yet wave and hearing the home of the brave has to give you as it gives me . . . goosebumps.

So it used to bother me as it bothers our President and a majority of Americans to see those few disgruntled, yet highly-paid football players kneeling in protest during those few majestic moments.

Why are they so boldly refusing to honor our country and what it stands for, especially when it has been so good to them and their loved ones?

Yet now I choose to see it another way, a way that will turn the tables on those few whiners who think they’re protesting injustice and racism by kneeling.

They’re going to be surprised to know that what they’re doing is not protesting, but actually expressing reverence for our Nation’s Flag and Anthem.

Kneeling is a basic human position where one or both knees touch the ground used as an expression of reverence and submission.

In some religions, kneeling is used as a position for prayer, as a position of submission to a higher order, a deity.

Socially, kneeling, similar to bowing, is associated with reverence, submission and obeisance, particularly if one kneels before a person who is standing or sitting: the kneeling position renders a person defenseless and unable to flee.

So are you kneeling before our President?

No, I see kneeling as religious.  Prayerful.  In some religions, in particular by Christians and Muslims, kneeling is used as a position for prayer, as a position of submission to God.

In many churches, pews are equipped with kneelers in front of the seating bench so members of the congregation can kneel on them instead of the floor. In a few other situations such as confessionals and areas in front of an altar, kneelers for kneeling during prayer or sacraments may also be used.

Within the Latin Rite of Roman Catholicism, it was formerly the custom to kneel on the left knee only (genuflect) for persons of distinction (such as Kings, the pope, bishops, the President?), to kneel on the right knee for the Eucharist, when it is in the tabernacle, and to kneel on both knees when the Eucharist was exposed.

So you kneelers better come up with another form of protest because by kneeling you’re technically honoring our Flag, our Anthem and our Country.

It makes me feel better thinking of kneeling in this way.

If you’re still so determined to protest against the Nation that has given you and yours such an abundance of blessings, I suggest during the National Anthem, you  . . .

stand on your head!

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